Author: Chris

  • Poco Mini Tournament II – Thursday, May 16. Signup on May 7th and 9th

    Poco Mini Tournament II – Thursday, May 16. Signup on May 7th and 9th

    After the Poco Mini II matches are completed, we will sit around the Dojo and have pizza and refreshments and tell everyone how great we are. (show off your medals and take a few pictures) Round Robin Tournament format. Everyone Welcome! Tournament begins at 6:30, be there at 6:15 pm…

  • Spring Session and Registration start Tuesday, April 2nd.

    Spring Session and Registration start Tuesday, April 2nd.

    We wraped up a great Winter Session with our Grading night on Thursday, March 14th. Congratulations to everybody who graded to their next belt this session, have a great Spring Break and Easter! We have a two week break during Spring Break and then are back on the mats on…

  • Poco Judo Awards 2013 Winners!

    Poco Judo Awards 2013 Winners!

    Pictures and more details to come but here is a note from Sensei and the list of Winners for our 2012 / 2013 Awards Season. Congratulations!

  • Reminder – Our Banquet & Awards Night is this Friday, March 1st!

    Reminder – Our Banquet & Awards Night is this Friday, March 1st!

    Our banquet is this Friday, March 1st at 7 PM. Tickets are still available and the prices are the same as always. $20 per family or $10 per individual. We still could use silent auction prizes! Got that object at Home that is useless to you, but someone else might…

  • February Tournament Results from the Richmond Oval

    February Tournament Results from the Richmond Oval

    There were two tournaments held out at the Richmond Oval this past month. The Spirit International Open on February 2nd and the Pacific International Senior Invitational on February 16th. Spirit International Open First Place Simon P Nikki Z Second Place Kevin Foreman Pacific International Senior Invitational First Place Payton S…

  • Poco Judo Banquet and Awards – New Date – Friday, March 1st

    Poco Judo Banquet and Awards – New Date – Friday, March 1st

    We have a new date for the 2013 Poco Judo Banquet – Friday, March 1st at 7 PM. Tickets will be made available Mid February and the prices are the same as always. $20 per family or $10 per individual. We need silent auction prizes! Got that object at Home…

  • New Black Belts from December 2012 Grading

    New Black Belts from December 2012 Grading

    Poco Judo is proud to announce three of our members were promoted to Shodan (First Degree Black Belt) this past December. Duncan Rice, Harley Mechalchuk, and Kurt Roots, received their Black Belts after successfully passing their grading in which they had to demonstrate the Naga No Kata in front of…

  • Busy Weekend for Roots in Seatle and Regina

    Busy Weekend for Roots in Seatle and Regina

    Picture Courtesy of Judo BC The Judo BC Website has posted a story and picture about this past weekend’s Continental Crown in Seatle and Saskatchewan Open in Regina. busy weekend for bc judokas Poco Judo was well represented in Seatle by Matt, Drew, and Kristi Roots who each received Gold…

  • Welcome Back! Registration and Classes start Tuesday, January 8th

    Welcome Back! Registration and Classes start Tuesday, January 8th

    Registration and classes for the Winter Session start on Tuesday, January 8th. Classes are Tuesday and Thursday nights at the Hyde Creek Recreation Centre. Please check our Registration page for more details and our Schedules page for class times. If you have any questions, feel free to send us an…

  • Happy New Year! Pictures from Fall Session 2012

    Happy New Year! Pictures from Fall Session 2012

    Thanks everybody for a great fall session. Here are some memories from fall 2012.