Tuesday, December 8th is the last day of regular classes, and grading for the Fall 2015 Session, will be held on Thursday, December 10th. We then have our holiday break and are back on the mats on Tuesday, January 5th. Cheers!
We start our 2015/2016 classes on Tuesday, September 15th Registration starts the first day of classes. The fall session runs approximately three months. The session fee for students who attend both the Tuesday and Thursday classes is $110.00. # of Family Members Enrolled Session Fee First $110.00 Second $90.00 Third and above $80.00 For students […]
We had our Spring Grading Session on June 11th to wrap up the session. Good job to all the students that advanced to their next level and thanks to the students that came out to help with grading.
Congratulations on everyone’s efforts at the Poco Mini on May 28th. We saw lots of great matches and everyone got some to experience tournament style Judo (and have some pizza!) 1ST PLACE DANY JUSTIN JORDAN KARL AYDEN CONNERY MICHAEL SAM ANTHONY 2ND PLACE MICHAEL TOM TONY NICHOLAS ZACHREY JUSTIN VALENTYN MIRA SERENA 3RD PLACE JUSTIN […]
Our second Poco Mini of the year is this Thursday night, May 28th. Tuesday, May 26th is the last night for sign up. The tournament begins at 6:15. Signup is $20 and includes our world-famous Medals, Pizza, and Pop. We divide the students into groups of no more than 6, and the Tournament is a […]
Sensei Blanchard and Sensei Morris were Medal Winners at the recent Nationals. They won a Bronze Medal together in Katame No Kata, while Sensei Morris partnered with Paul Whishaw to win a Silver medal in Nage No Kata. Speight Sensei attended as a Kata Judge. Congratulations!
Poco Judo was out at the BC Open Judo Tournament April 17/18. More Pictures and Results Coming Soon!
We’re having our last Poco Judo Fundraiser before the Nationals. This is a family friendly Burger and Drink night. Tickets are $20 and are now available. Younger kids can share a ticket. We’ll also be having our 50/50 draw and Toonie Toss. The Cat and Fiddle’s Address is 1979 Brown Street, Port Coquitlam BC
Reminder to everybody that our Poco Judo Awards Night Banquet is this Friday, February 27th. Make sure you have your tickets and have let us know what you will be bringing for the Pot Luck. Reminder that we’ll having our Door Prizes, Raffle Baskets, 50/50, Silent Auction, and Twoonie Toss. See you there!
We are having our Burger and Beer fundraiser on February 8th at the Burke Public House. Located at Flint and Lougheed in the centre of the complex. Includes Beef or Chicken or Veggie Burger with Fries or Salad, plus a Sleeve of the Burke House Beer, House Red or White Wine or a High Ball. […]