Here are some important dates for the upcoming Fall and Winter Sessions Date Event Location November 19 Steveston Junior Tournament Steveston November 24 Poco Mini Tournament Poco Judo Club December 3 Canada West Tournament Burnaby December 4 Black Belt Grading Steveston December 8 Poco Judo Grading / Fall Session Ends Poco Judo Club December 27-30 […]
We’ve started into the new year with great enrollment in all three classes. We’re looking forward to an awesome year!
We start our 2016/2017 classes on Tuesday, September 13th Registration starts the first day of classes. The fall session runs approximately three months. The session fee for students who attend both the Tuesday and Thursday classes is $110.00. # of Family Members Enrolled Session Fee First $110.00 Second $90.00 Third and above $80.00 For students […]
Our spring Poco Mini Tournament will be held Thursday, May 26th at our club. Last night for signup is TuesdayMay 24th. The Mini counts towards grading, there’ll be pizza and pop on the mats after and our world famous and highly cherished Poco Judo Medals! See you there!
Poco Judo was well represented at the Canadian National Judo Tournament which ran from May 11 – 17. More pictures and result details to follow! Team Poco at the Nationals Team Poco on the Podium for Kata
We’re having our last Nationals Team fundraiser Sunday, April 24th at the Cat and Fiddle Pub. Because we’re having it in the restaurant section, it is an all ages event, with kids welcome. Tickets are $20, tickets for kids under twelve are $10. We had to buy a block of 50 tickets, so we need […]
Spring Session Classes and Registration start Tuesday, March 29th. See you there!
Reminder to everybody that the Poco Judo Awards and Banquet is this Friday, March 4th. You can get your tickets at the club this week. $20 / family, $10 / individual. We’ll also be having our Silent Auction, 50/50, Toonie Toss, Ticket Prize Draws, and our unbelievable pot luck dinner! See you there!
Happy New Year. Classes and registration start Tuesday, January 5th. Looking forward to seeing everyone back!
Members of Poco Judo have participated in a number of Kata activities this fall including the 12 Week Fall Kata Clinic at the Steveston Dojo, and the Kata Competition held out the Steveston Dojo in November. Details to follow!